I love winter because it gives something no other season can give - sparkling snow, playing and making snow angels outside, frosted windows and trees, ice, skating, and more. Even hot chocolate tastes just that much better. The only thing I dislike is cold weather and getting dark too early. I mean what's up with that? I would love to go for a walk in the evening, but not when it is pitch dark.
I find that this fact forces us to stay home or hit the stores (and spend, spend, spend). I found this amazing collection of ideas on what to do with your children during the winter. And many activities are FREE.
Here are some of my favourites from the list.
Indoors (Ottawa):
1.Early Years Centre: Perfect for ages 0-6yrs. Also perfect for nursing mothers who have 2 children. The older one can play with sand tables, water tables, toys galore, and crafts while there are chairs for nursing. There are 3 in west area: Carp, and 2 located in Kanata. Keep in mind if it starts at 9am, you need to be there 15min in advance so it doesn't fill up. The drop in's are free
2. Starr Gymnastics - has a great drop in, think loud crazy music/children running everywhere, and balls flying. Want to wear off excess energy or chocolate this is the place.
3. Funnhaven. Located behind the massive new Ikea, the feedback so far has been thumbs up. It features lots of flavours of frozen yogurt and hours of fun.
4. Gouldburn Recreation centre. Located in Stittsville, there is an open play gym on sunday evenings. The gym is filled with plasma cars, balls, parachutes, and hockey nets. 1 person can stay home and make dinner, and other person can take children here. Draw straws to see who does what!
5. Crafts: Pinecones with glitter, peppermint playdough, gingerbread cookies or house, wreaths.
6. Dress up with different hats/coats/old halloween costumes
7. For a quiet moment, paint faces with water and paintbrushes.
1. Nature walks - Jack pine trail is great for feeding birds-located off Moodie dr. Keep in mind it doesn't loop around.
2. Ice skating - canal and indoors
3. Snowmen, and the whole family - snowcat, snowdog, and fish..
4. Toboggan hill - One located by Kanata leisure centre/off Terry Fox, or Bruce Pit as well
5. Snow angels
6. Family shoveling time...sneaky ;)
How so you have fun with family in the cold weather? What do you do to make winter months seem shorter?
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